
Africa Day should spur action to end poverty and empower the continent to reach its full potential

Sub-Saharan Africa has the potential to generate inclusive growth and eradicate poverty, according to the latest World Bank overview of the continent’s economic prospects.

Coca-Cola unveils new look Sprite Clear PET Bottle packaging in Uganda to Enhance Plastic Collection and Recycling

The Coca-Cola system in Uganda has today unveiled a new iconic look of Sprite in a clear polyethylene terephthalate (PET) plastic bottle packaging. This shift from its iconic green bottle means more Sprite bottles can be collected, recycled and reused to make new items - a move that is part of The Coca-Cola Company’s World Without Waste vision.

Woman entrepreneurs discover the key to greater success with online skills workshop

A group of 21 woman entrepreneurs have completed an Entrepreneurship Skills Workshop. The training was facilitated by the Business and Entrepreneurship Training Centre and funded by Coca-Cola Beverages Africa (CCBA) Namibia, with the aim of developing the business skills and financial acumen of the women.

Earth Day is a reminder to Africa to grow in harmony with the environment

Earth Day poses important questions for the African continent as it seeks to balance the need for sustained economic growth to improve the quality of life of its people, on the one hand, while protecting the environment, on the other. This means balancing the important Ps, namely People, Profit and our Planet - Earth.

Mbeya students get set for a brighter future with donation of classroom furniture from Coca-Cola Kwanza Ltd

Students at Ilunga Secondary School in Mbeya will be able to concentrate on learning in comfort after Coca-Cola Kwanza Ltd donated classroom furniture including 100 desks, ten tables and ten chairs to support improved education in rural areas.

More than water

South Africa is one of the most water scarce countries in the world and is prone to droughts. With more than 3 million households without access to clean running water, the shortage crisis is ever-growing and there’s a need for proactive and effective solutions.

Recycling gathers momentum in Africa, growing jobs and small businesses

More and more plastic waste is being diverted from landfills and into a circular economy that grows employment and entrepreneurship in African countries, as we celebrate Global Recycling Day today (March 18).

Africa can conquer the waste problem with partnerships and co-operation

The world’s plastic packaging waste problem can be solved. That is the good news. This, however, will require multi-industry humility and collaboration and not competition, as well as intentional and resolute government intervention to level the playing field and create an enabling circular economy environment.

Africa’s focus shifts from rights on paper to economic inclusion for women

African women have growing reason to be hopeful about their futures as we mark International Women’s Day. It is true there is still a very long way to go towards gender equality, but change is gathering momentum and the days when only lip service was paid to women’s rights are coming to an end.

Taking water seriously

This water awareness month, CCBSA can celebrate significant progress in meeting their sustainability goals in relation to water savings and helping South African communities to become more water resilient.