Coca-Cola Beverages Zambia cleans up for Environment Day

Lusaka – Coca-Cola Beverages Zambia (CCBZ) has partnered with the Ministry of Green Economy and Environment to celebrate World Environment Day, joining the ministry in cleaning the Ngwerere River, as well as participating in a clean-up in Bauleni Township, in Lusaka Central Constituency.

Last week CCBZ, a subsidiary of Coca-Cola Beverages Africa, took part in a symposium hosted by the Ministry of Green Economy and Environment, where the company handed over 50 protective vests and 20 industrial bins to aid in the collection of plastic waste.

“Plastic has become an indispensable part of modern life, providing a hygienic, affordable, lightweight and convenient packaging material for food and beverage products, but plastic pollution also threatens the sustainability of freshwater systems and marine life,” said CCBZ Public Affairs, Communication and Sustainability Director, Fronscen Haloba.

Although demand for recycled plastic continues to grow – driven, in part, by a commitment from brand owners to incorporate recycled content into their products, recycling rates in Zambia are still too low, and World Environment Day is an opportunity to create greater awareness of the issue and drive momentum for change. 

“Our commitment is to invest in our planet and our packaging, to help make packaging waste a thing of the past. We work in partnership with The Coca-Cola Company which launched a sustainable packaging initiative called World Without Waste in 2018,” said Haloba. 

“Our aim is to help collect a bottle for every one we sell by 2030, make all our packaging 100% recyclable by 2025 and make 25% of our packaging reusable by 2030.”

“To increase consumer and community awareness and clean up existing packaging, we’re bringing people together through ongoing local activities to collect and recycle plastic waste. To encourage more people to recycle more often, we’re investing to help people understand what to recycle, how to recycle, and where to recycle.  

“And we are reimagining our packaging to make it better for our planet and our business. We are working to make packaging part of a circular economy, placing a strong emphasis on packaging design, and expanding the use of clear and returnable plastic bottles,” said Haloba.

Supporting the establishment of a circular economy for plastic waste has many environmental and economic benefits since recycling has the potential to create over 50 times as many jobs as landfills and incinerators. Hundreds involved in the different stages of plastic recycling are already benefiting, especially women and youth. 

“At CCBZ, we are a proud industry leader in developing increasingly sustainable ways to manufacture, distribute and sell our products. We use our industry leadership to be part of the solution to achieve positive change in the world and to build a more sustainable future for our planet.

“Regardless of where it comes from, we want every package to have more than one life.”

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