
People with disabilities sharpen their entrepreneurship skills

A group of 51 people with disabilities took part in an entrepreneurship training workshop supported by Coca-Cola Beverages Botswana (CCBB) last week.

Gaborone waste entrepreneurs get lowdown on unlocking opportunities

Almost 300 waste entrepreneurs, most of them women, have taken a step closer to achieving their ambitions after completing training on waste management business opportunities with the support of Coca-Cola Beverages Botswana (CCBB).

Coca-Cola Beverages Botswana unveils new P310m (USD24.4m) production line and water treatment plant

Coca-Cola Beverages Botswana (CCBB) unveiled a new state-of-the-art production line and water treatment plant today, representing a total investment of P310 million (USD24.4m)

Informal traders sharpen business skills with support of CCBB

Informal traders in Gaborone have sharpened their business skills through an interactive workshop focused on building and growing sustainable enterprises with the support of Coca-Cola Beverages Botswana (CCBB).

Healthy watersheds are an essential component of climate resilience in Africa

Conflict, climate change, the lingering financial impacts of the Covid-19 pandemic and sharp food price inflation are causing acute food insecurity in Africa.

Water stewardship and plastic waste management are two sides of the same coin

The problem of plastic waste in Africa, and its impact on water resources, requires concerted efforts from governments, corporates, civil society organisations and individuals. By working together, we can create a more sustainable future for African water bodies and the communities that depend on them.

Economic inclusion of women is key to sustainable development in Africa

CIf the private sector, governments and civil society work together to remove the barriers to women’s full participation in the economy, it would set the continent on a path to accelerated growth and greater shared opportunity for all.

Circular economy for plastic within reach with right rules

A flourishing circular economy for plastic waste which will prevent needless plastic pollution and stimulate entrepreneurship and employment is within reach. This was the message from Diana Sibanda, Coca-Cola Beverages Africa (CCBA) Head of Sustainability, at a Southern African Development Community (SADC) conference on the circular economy in Lusaka, Zambia.

Investment in new production capacity to boost economy

Machinery has started arriving for the construction of a new production line at Coca-Cola Beverages Botswana’s (CCBB) Gaborone factory which will help to reduce energy consumption, improve productivity, and open up export opportunities to neighbouring countries.

Soccer fans treated to thrills of World Cup at official fan park

Soccer fans can live every moment of the biggest sporting showpiece on earth in the thrilling environment of a VIP FIFA Fan Park as the Soccer World Cup gets under way in Qatar this week.